Toad Of Toad Hall

Tuesday 15 to Saturday 19 February 1972

Type of show Play
Full Price £0.20
Concession £0.10

The cast

Name Role
Alex Newton First Fieldmouse
Various Animals
Angela Carroll Various Animals
Anne Youngman Various Animals
Carole Brewster Mole
Caroline Richardson Various Animals
Clare Farley Various Animals
Cynthia Storr Bargewoman
Deborah Garrity Various Animals
Deborah Ware Various Animals
Dennis Douthwaite Toad
Dorothy Brewster Nurse
Elizabeth Surrey Marigold
Gillian Thornhill Various Animals
Gordon Towse Mr. Badger
Graham Allison Judge
Heather Thwaites Various Animals
Hilary Fanthorpe Pheobe
Ian Prior Policeman
Jackie Overfield Various Animals
Joy Coulson Water Rat
Judith Carroll Various Animals
Karen Davies Various Animals
Kathryn Toothill Various Animals
Lawrie Akred Alfred
Lindsey Toothill Various Animals
Marinella Newton Second Fieldmouse
Various Animals
Suzanne Temple Chief Weasel
Tina Youngman Various Animals

The crew

Name Role
Alec Thomson Stage Assistant
Beryl Boag Producer
Betty Foster Prompter
Cynthia Storr Costume/wardrobe
Dorothy Brewster Props
Hilary Fanthorpe Props
Joy Coulson Make-up
Joyce Newton Choreographer
Ken Iles Piano/orchestra
Norman Jones Publicity
Richard Mann Stage Director
Ronald Marlton Bookings
Front Of House
Terry Foster Lighting/effects
Tony Steer Stage Assistant