Musical Allsorts

Wednesday 16 to Saturday 19 September 1987

Type of show Revue
Full Price £1.50
Concession £1.00

The cast

Name Role
Alan Tate Mens Chorus
Andrew Brown Mens Chorus
Andrew Dobson Mens Chorus
Beryl Stobbart Ladies Chorus
Carole Smith Ladies Chorus
Cathie Watson Ladies Chorus
Cynthia Storr Ladies Chorus
David Stevens Mens Chorus
Dorothy Brewster Ladies Chorus
Dorothy Tate Ladies Chorus
Elizabeth Botterill Ladies Chorus
Fiona Stobbart Ladies Chorus
Helen Hayton Ladies Chorus
Helen Stevens Ladies Chorus
Hilary Temple Ladies Chorus
Jane Wilkinson Ladies Chorus
Kathryn Sully Ladies Chorus
Keith Ashby Mens Chorus
Kevin McDonald Mens Chorus
Marcus Wilkinson Mens Chorus
Margaret Thomson Ladies Chorus
Patrick Tirvengadum Mens Chorus
Robeena White Ladies Chorus
Sarah Newsome Ladies Chorus
Susan Newsome Ladies Chorus

The crew

Name Role
Alec Thomson Stage Manager
Andrew Thomson Stage Assistant
Beryl Boag Producer And Deviser
Beryl Stobbart Choreographer
Betty Foster Bookings
Christopher Holdsworth Stage Assistant
Colin Newsome Stage Assistant
Cynthia Storr Costume/wardrobe
David Lambert Guitarist
David Stevens Publicity
Dean Stobbart Drummer
Eric Brewster Stage Assistant
Geoffrey Lidster Piano/orchestra
Harry Burton Musical Director
Jane Cox Stage Assistant
Keith Ashby Producer And Deviser
Michael Jackson Lighting/effects
Michael Midgley Lighting/effects
Richard Mann Stage Director
Suzanne Temple Props
Terry Foster Bookings
Tricia Thomson Stage Assistant